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The Informed Parent by Tara Haelle
The latest scientific research on home birth, breastfeeding, sleep training, vaccines, and other key topics—to help parents make their own best-informed decisions.

The Diet Fix: Why Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work by Yoni Freedhoff
With over two-thirds of North Americans overweight and the $66 billion weight-loss industry only growing larger, a maverick obesity expert exposes how widespread myths about dieting prevent us from losing weight and getting healthy.

Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink
Changing the way you think about food

Deadly Choices: How The Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All by Paul Offit
If you want a solid grasp of the worries, fears, misunderstandings, and ideology that have inspired a small minority of people to vocally oppose vaccination for more than 100 years, Offit’s is the book to read

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allan Carr
Many of my patients have quit smoking simply by reading this book.

Do You Believe in Magic? by Paul Offit
Dr. Offit debunks the treatments that don't work and tells us why, and takes on the media celebrities who promote alternative medicine

A Consultation With the Back Doctor by Hamilton Hall
Dr. Hall presents a safe, straightforward and effective program for total back care which will alleviate back pain and help to conquer it permanently

The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel Levitin

The Migraine Brain by Carolyn Bernstein